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Relative motion in a sentence

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Sentence count:36Posted:2017-09-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: negative correlationpositive correlationrelativerelativelyrelative tocorrelativeinternational relationsrelative price
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1. When relative motion occurs between the damper components there is a mutual drag torque.
2. The clocks in relative motion keep different times.
3. Friction - The resistance to relative motion between two surfaces in contact.
4. The relative motion between the tool and workpiece during face grinding was analyzed based on the motion diagram of ultrasonic vibration assisted grinding.
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5. Based on two - impulse optimal control for relative motion, the formation planning problem is solved.
6. The reaction on an end pole for permissible relative motion of all pairs in the open loop mechanism is quantitatively analysed using the dual vector theory.
7. The orogenic types were controlled by the relative motion mechanism between lithosphere and asthenosphere.
8. Finite element analyses were performed to investigate relative motion and bone stress at the bone - cage interface.
9. A relative motion model, considering the J_2 perturbation and suitable for motion in general elliptic orbit, was used.
10. The change button between relative motion and true motion in the panel does not touch firmly.
11. Gyroscope gimbal bearings are nearly static, affording little relative motion for EHD film formation.
12. Due to additive relative motion between ground jamming emitters and SAR, the spurious phase modulation of transmission signal is produced.
13. The conveying is stable without relative motion between the material and the conveying belt, which avoids the damages to the conveyed material.
14. From the relative motion concept of rotor fixing and stator rotating, the experimental device (situation No. 3) for simulating the rotor blade tip clearance flow is designed.
15. Such a concept could not actually exist, because of the relative motion of all structures.
16. A method based on binocular vision model is discussed to determine the relative motion parameters between two space objects in rendezvous and docking ( RVD).
17. Using the concept of pseudo control variable, a simple state equation is constructed which describes the relative motion between an anti-ship missile and a target ship.
18. A method based on binocular vision model is discussed to determine the relative motion parameters between two space objects.
19. Frictional forces may also act when there is no relative motion.
20. Any linkage which contains a screw pair, for example, is a spatial mechanism, since the relative motion within a screw pair is helical.
21. Don't forget that these effects are absolutely symmetrical reference in uniform relative motion.
22. By simultaneous measurement at two points of the sample surface the relative motion between these two points can be determined. This allows the use of the measuring arrangement as an extensometer.
23. The moving overset grid method is employed to account the relative motion among the blades which are rotating, cyclic pitching and cyclic flapping.
24. The movement models of six degree - of - freedom missile , target, relative motion and others are derived.
25. Based on the above, the paper gives a discussion of the relative motion rule of firing pin and detonator when fuzes impact targets.
26. In this paper, the author discusses some main questions in using relative motion graphic method to analyse the movement of plane mechanism, and tries to expound some laws in it.
27. This peculiar and often frustrating experienceis an effect of relative motion.
28. In the paper, two complemental formulae are derived for using the relations of relative motion of the contact point to analyse the motion of plane mechanism with high-pair.
29. Doppler Shift in satellite communication should not be ignored for the satellites with relative motion.
30. In this dissertation, the methodology from the system energy view can be applied to the relative motion study of the celestial bodies, the tethered satellites systems, et al.
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  • Gloria 2023-02-28 16:44:51
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  • Ella 2023-02-24 15:18:19
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  • Jaun 2023-02-24 03:04:32
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  • una chica 2023-02-23 16:12:58
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  • Leo 2023-02-23 16:09:50
    .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            blah                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                     
  • Leo 2023-02-23 03:49:19
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  • John H. Smith 2023-02-22 16:14:48
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  • Gisela 2022-08-16 08:28:08
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